Summer in New Zealand 2015
Why are we having such an Awesome One?
Purpose of Ocean Currents
World wide Currents
Local Currents
How they Affect New Zealand
Our summer!!
Worldwide Ocean Currents and Their Purpose
- Our oceans are crucial to heating our planet – help to distribute it
- Act like a conveyor belt distributing water from equators to poles and back – usually clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlockwise in the south, as well as often following the coastlines
- Regulate global climate – helps to regulate uneven distribution of of solar radiation reaching earth’s surface. Otherwise temperatures would be much more extreme at the Poles and the Equator
For example the Gulf stream current which originates from Florida, gives Great
Britain, including Ireland, its warmth
Ocean Current Temperature
climate changes are not only caused by conditions in the atmosphere. The top
few metres of the ocean can store as much heat as the entire atmosphere, and
relatively small changes in ocean circulation can move vast amounts of heat
around the planet
Results include changes in animal habitats, more extreme weather incidences and the bleaching of coral reefs thus reducing their growth and habitats for many ocean creatures
Results include changes in animal habitats, more extreme weather incidences and the bleaching of coral reefs thus reducing their growth and habitats for many ocean creatures
Currents Which Affect Us
Zealand lies in the path of eastward-flowing currents, which are driven by
winds that blow across the South Pacific Ocean
winds – the south-east trades to the north, and the roaring forties to the
south – drive water along the equator, down Australia’s east coast in the East
Australian Current, and across the Tasman Sea
Bathed by
relatively warm water from the subtropics, New Zealand has a temperate climate
What is affecting our Summer Today
- Sea surface temperatures across the equatorial Pacific Ocean are borderline between neutral and weak El Niño conditions
- Sea Surface Temperatures around New Zealand are forecast to be in the above normal range all around the country
- Temperatures are most likely (50% chance) to be in the above average range
- Rainfall totals are most likely (45% chance) to be in the near-normal range
Changes in climate are
not only caused by conditions in the atmosphere – ocean currents have a massive
impact as they regulate the global climate
Bathed by
relatively warm water from the subtropics via the East Australian current, New
Zealand has a temperate climate
El Niño and La Niña are weather
patterns that occur every 3–7 years in the tropical Pacific Ocean and which
affect us
We are borderline between
neutral and weak El Niño conditions resulting in slightly higher temperatures
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