Thursday, October 29, 2009

Young People - Want to go to the Sub Antarctic?

Want to go to the Sub Antarctic?

Look out for the Enderby Trust Scholarships – they may pay up to 70% of your expenses!

Formed in 1998, the Enderby Trust is named after Charles Enderby, a cooper (wooden barrel maker) who embarked on several exploratory voyages in Antarctica and the southern oceans during the 1830’s. The trust, which is named so to acknowledge Enderby’s geographical study and exploratory activities, works with Heritage Expeditions who provide travel for successful applicants on their polar research vessel Spirit or Enderby. It is envisaged that after their trip their experiences and enthusiasm will create further awareness and appreciation of the subantactic area.

It is very easy to apply for a scholarship. All applicants (aged 18 - 30) need to do is write up to 400 words about why they are fascinated about the subantarctic area in the Pacific Ocean they wish to visit.

The 2009 closing date is October 30, however people who are interested future scholarships should contact the Enderby Trust on or write to the Enderby Trust at P O Box 29 529, Fendalton, Christchurch, 8540

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