Saturday, February 3, 2007

Who does New Zealand’s Minister for the Environment work for?

New Zealand…. or Japan??

According to a press release just posted on the world conservation website, it is suspected that NZ Minister for the Environment Chris Carter, is not telling anyone where the Japanese whaling fleet are illegally slaughtering whales – because Japan told him not to!!

Two ships from Sea Shepherd are patrolling the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary at this minute. Unlike Greenpeace, they are not there to physically protest whaling, but to “enforce international conservation law against illegal whaling activities in accordance with the principles established for intervention by non-governmental organizations enshrined in the United Nations World Charter for Nature.”

The organization is desperate to find out the where the Japanese Whaling fleet is. In fact, it is offering $USD25,000 to anyone who can supply them the co-ordinates. See their website

Yes, it’s true that in December last year Chris Carter led a deputation of 27 countries, including Australia and the United States, in a diplomatic protest at the Japanese Foreign Ministry in Tokyo, but absolutely nothing has happened. Was this a ploy of some sort?

So what is going on? Why is Chris Carter taking orders from Japan, allowing them to illegally and commercially fish in Antarctica’s Whale Sanctuary?

I want to know! We all want to know! Can you shed some light on this?

And what are other countries doing? Australia, for example? Are they working for Japan too?

If you are as mystified as I am, about Chris Carter’s stance, why not email Chris on and ask him?. Oh, and let me know the outcome, would you?

Rae of Sunshine

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